Garima Ranka

Garima Ranka is a 3rd year law student at ILS Law College, Pune. Her area of interests include Human Rights, IPR, and Environmental Law. Ever since she can remember, she’s always been passionate about fashion and the creative freedom that comes with it. Through this platform, she aims to explore different facets of the divine combination that is Fashion Law. In her free time you’ll find her dancing, planning a trip to someplace new, or watching Schitts Creek. She loves meeting new people and strongly believes that the way you treat a person, truly defines who you really are. A question that she ever so often stumbles upon is whether she binges more on food or Netflix. To be honest, her quest for the answer continues till date. Traveling is synonymous to her name and she’d give anything for a job that lets you travel. Her family time is the best time of the day. She vehemently advocates women rights and isn’t one to shy away from breaking the mould.

Journey of Formal Fashion

Upon asking people around me what they think ‘formal fashion’ consists of, here were some of the common responses – a black suit and
August 13, 2022

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