Sales Associates v Forever 21 and Gucci and Sterling jewellers and Wal-Mart

1 min read

This present case was a collective complaint by the brands of forever 21, Gucci, sterling jewelers and Wal-Mart. The main issue with the case of was of sexual harassment, discrimination and negligence at work place. The initial complaint was made by a forever 21 sales women who alleged that the company had installed CCTV camera within the employee bathrooms. This revelation was only made when the video when viral on internet further casing harassment to the worker. She also added that she had faced frequent sexual taunts from the manager. This was added by a testament by sterling jewelers first female CEO that she had faced on several accounts harassment by the male executives of the company. It was further added by the court that within The United States of America especially in retail sector majority of the workers were women which amounted to 4.6 million of them thus the court ruled that proper protocol is necessary within these firms for the treatment of women to avoid any kind o harassment and discrimination based on gender.

Fashion Law Journal

Fashion Law Journal covers the legal landscape of the fashion industry and its stakeholders, providing the latest updates, how-to guides, and exclusive content for fashion law fratenity. An initiative and publication of Dept of Fashion Laws, Legal Desire (

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